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Obviously, as a team of plant lovers, we would say, “Just choose them all!” Why not create an indoor jungle and fill every room with plants? But if you are after guidance on which plant suits which space then this is a handy guide for you. At The Little Botanical, we are here to help you choose the right plant for the right space in your home.
We get asked a lot for help choosing a plant for a dark room or dimly lit hallway. Fear not, we have just the plant for you, which happens to be our very best seller!
The Sansevieria, also known as the snake plant, actually thrives on being ignored! He is a survivor and will happily sit in a dimly lit corner. But don’t forget that all plants need some light, even just a little, so we wouldn’t recommend putting him in a room with no windows! If it is a particularly dark corner you want to style with plants, we would suggest you use two of our lovely plants – and rotate them every few weeks. Keep one in a lit room, and one in your dark hall and keep swapping them around and they will be very happy indeed!
Our Sanseveria also comes in a larger version, which is the perfect size for the fireplace or on a small side table.
Often a room neglected of inspiring decor, but we think the perfect space to add some greenery. Being a little more humid than other rooms of the house means the plants added to your bathroom will need even less watering- yippee!
The window sill is the perfect place for a few succulents, and why not build a little bathroom plantgang.
We love green but sometimes a splash of colour is a must and our orchids provide that. Add a pop of colour by bringing a brightly coloured orchid into your bathroom. These plants, being native to tropical climates, would happily thrive in a lovely warm, bright bathroom. Our UK grown orchids come in many colours and would also make a perfect gift that lasts a lot longer than a bouquet of flowers!
If it is green you are after, then the king of house plants, the Monstera, otherwise known as a Swiss Cheese Plant. Monsteras are a lovely leafy palm like the Chamaedorea Elegans are both perfect plants for the bathroom. These plants will happily enjoy and really thrive with all that extra moisture in the air.
You can really transform a space with the addition of plants. Plants easily improve the look and feel of the most important room in the house, but these plants will also help you sleep better! Proven to cleanse the air of nasty toxins and enable you to wake feeling even more refreshed.
Our stunning Calathea, commonly known as prayer plant, is a fabulous plant to have in your bedroom. Watch the leaves curl up as the sunsets and uncurl as they dance to find the morning rays.
Everyone knows and loves an Aloe Vera. These plants really are the superheroes of houseplants! Aesthetically pleasing, easy to care for and they provide so many benefits to our health. The Aloe is the plant that is a real giver. Another fabulous air purifier too, he works hard making the air cleaner whilst you sleep.
We hope this has helped you choose your perfect new plant friend. We have written a previous article about where to place your plants. Read it now for some more inspiration. But feel free to comment below or get in touch on Instagram if you have any questions! We also LOVE to see your plants in their new home so don’t forget to tag us.
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