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Meet our team

We are a small (but perfectly formed) team with a huge passion for plants who want to tell the world about our new, fabulous brand!

Morag, Co-Founder

Morag, Co-Founder – Bio

Brought up in the South West coast of Scotland, I love the lush, green countryside and hence the current green trend floats my boat!

Favourite product

I love the jungle look. #canneverhavetoomanyplants. A group of green plants looks fabulous in any corner of the room.

Tell us a joke

Everyone has these on their face? Tulips.

Greg Co-Founder

Greg, Co-Founder & MD – Bio

Loves everything botanical from plants to Gin!  Growing up and being part of the Hills family business; botanicals and horticulture runs in my veins.

Favourite product

The royal white orchid. It’s a great statement piece!

Tell us a joke

What do you say to a fancy cactus? You look sharp!

Trista, Account & Operation Manager – Bio

Brought up in Taiwan, I am addicted to travel, reading, and exploring our amazing world!

Favourite product

I love the succulent family which fit from bedroom to the office so well. They are not only good looking but also tough! You can never have too many of them!

Tell us a joke

Taiwanese vs. British B: (morning) Are you having garlic bread now?! T: Yes, we eat that as breakfast.

Louisa Customer Services

Louisa, Customer Services – Bio

Loves running on the South Downs, cats and pretty things!

Favourite product

A Calathea, they have such beautiful patterned leaves…or our new green plant the Zamioculcas, it’s so easy to care for!

Tell us a joke

What’s green, hairy and goes up and down, and up and down? A gooseberry stuck in a lift!

Julie, Customer Service

The team have crowned me the Plant Guru as before my role at TLB, I learnt lots and lots working in a florist. My moto: surround yourself with plants, it’s good for the soul.

Favourite product

The Aloe Vera; the medicinal properties and the colour of those thick leaves makes this guy my absolute favourite.

Tell us a joke

How does a plant answer the phone?

Nicola Product Development

Nicola, Product Development – Bio

I love great design, have a passion for film and am always on the lookout for a restaurant with a good view!  I’ve worked in Design for most of my career and studied at University in Sydney.

The best thing about plants is how they can totally transform a space making it both interesting and calm.

Favourite product

It’s got to be one of the big beasts we sell, an extra-large Areca Palm or Lemon and Lime Dracaena.  Just being near one of these plants makes me feel happy.

Tell us a joke

What’s brown and sticky? A Stick.  I’m not very good at jokes – I prefer laughing at other people’s!

Rest of the Team Hill

Rest of the Team

We are lucky enough to have the support and knowledge from our founding business (or as we like to say our wise older brother) Hills Plants with 4 generations of experience in growing and selling plants, to show us the way and offer us all the expertise we need!

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