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We get a lot of questions about which plants are the easiest to care for, so we thought we would write you a little blog about just that! so, which would you consider yourself – a Plant Lover or a Plant Killer?
A plant is a living thing so they all need at least a teeny bit of care, even the easy ones. They’re much easier than looking after a baby or a toddler or a cat, so the reward is worth it. They will grow before your eyes and could even sprout a new leaf or a baby succulent on the side!
For those of you who deem yourselves plant killers, we thought we’d rank our Top 5 super easy to look after houseplants in an attempt to turn you into plant lovers!
First of all, we have the Sansevieria. This plant is an all-round amazing chap… he comes in different types; spikey, for those of you who like something a bit more interesting and the more well known snakey, with his patterned leaves. They are both super easy to care for. Even without much love he will stay looking healthy & green – we think he is an architectural beauty! He needs a small amount of water every 2 weeks but he doesn’t need to be in the sunniest position in the house. He would even survive in a slightly less well lit, darker corner.
Next up we have a plethora of succulents that just keep on giving…
The stripey Haworthia and his little less stripey brother are one of the best plants at staying alive no matter the abuse you give them! Haworthia’s are quite rubbery in texture and don’t like to be dropped on their heads (Oops!) as his pointy leaves snap BUT in terms of care – the Haworthia is easy peasy. Water very infrequently; once a fortnight and only a little. He will stay looking like the same spikey, stripey lovely guy we know him to be, for such a long time!
The Echeveria Miranda is also firmly in our top 5 favourites for easy care. He is definitely a treat him mean keep him keen kind of plant. He does like a sunny spot but he does not like too much water – once a fortnight at best. When his leaves go about floppy you’ll know he needs a drink and will perk up perfectly!
The Crassula, this plant friend is an easy succulent to take home and neglect freely! He does need a drink occasionally (Don’t we all!). Once every 7-10 days or so and he likes a sunny spot. He grows taller before your very eyes and will bend in search for the light if he’s put somewhere too dark.
Our green plant range has also been specifically selected to be easy to look after. They do need a drink at least once a week and shouldn’t sit in water. Top tip from our growers would be to give them a drink from the base of the pot, so filling your sink with a little cold water and popping the plant in its plastic pot in there to suck up the water it wants! Our current favourites are the Calathea and Chamadorea. Both are easy to care for AND you will get rewarded with new leaves if you find them a nice sunny spot and keep them watered once a week.
We would always recommend just looking at them once a week and they will pretty much be telling you what they need, you will get to know what your plants look like when they are happy and when they are sad. Always worth trying to change their location; they may be getting too much sunlight or not enough AND watch out for the droop – definitely a sign that they need a drink.
We are always happy to help if you aren’t sure so feel free to send us a message or email us.
And don’t forget they won’t last forever but don’t feel guilty about it.. think of it as your chance to try a different one next time.
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