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With its tropical look and feel, a Dracaena brings warm summer vibes into any home. Its low maintenance and tolerates low light levels, making it the perfect plant for newbies.
Did you know? The name Dracaena comes from the Greek word “drakaina”, which translates to “female dragon”.
Water once every 10 days, just check the soil before you give your plant a drink to make sure it’s dry. If the soil is still moist, leave it for a few more days before watering. Dracaenas don’t need much water to be happy and healthy, they are generally drought tolerant.
Surprisingly, they enjoy their broad leaves being misted regularly and this can prevent brown tips from occurring. Another reason could be they are sensitive to the chemicals in tap water. If the leaves are still turning brown, switch to filtered water.
Dracaenas are happiest in a medium lit spot in your home but will tolerate a darker corner too.
If you are seeing new growth, don’t worry if the lower leaves are turning brown and yellow. This is the natural process of the plant shedding old leaves and sending energy to the new ones to grow.
Dracaenas need a consistent watering regime. They don’t fare well if they’re either overwatered or underwatered. Only water your plant once the soil’s dry to touch at the top of the soil.
When watering, water your plant thoroughly and ensure water flows all the way through the pot, tipping away any excess in the ceramic or basket. This will prevent root rot.
During winter months, they require less water just be careful not to leave it to fully dry out for long periods of time. This can also be the cause of browning leaves.
From £7.50
Create an urban jungle in your home with this Dracaena Compacta that doesn’t even need much care! There is even a larger version of this Dracaena or a mini dracaena head if you are looking for a smaller plant…
From £14.50
This tropical beauty is the perfect plant to add to your jungle with its bright green and yellow striped leaves. The colours are just fab and its easy to care for too.
From £18.50
A tall green spikey friend to add to your indoor jungle. Try out this low maintenance plant buddy.
From £18.50
A colourful spiky friend to add to your indoor jungle. Try out this low maintenance plant buddy.
From £18.50
A gorgeous leafy Dracaena, this Dracaena Tornado is super easy to care for. Why not add a gorgeous bright beauty to your plant gang.
From £85.00
A spikey, easy-to-care-for Draceana to add structure to your jungle. Check out my little brother Dracaena Marginata Bi-colour.
You won’t be surprised to hear that here at The Little Botanical we’re always breathing new life into workplaces around the UK with the best office plants, getting some fab and fresh new greenery in every corner.
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