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Aloe Succulents have spiky, fleshy leaves and are great at storing water, so are super easy to care for and long-lasting. This low maintenance plant looks fab wherever you place it.
Did you know? The Aloe Succulent is an air-purifying beauty and can help remove harmful toxins to help cleanse and purify the air around you.
Easy does it with the watering. You only need to water your Aloe Succulent approximately once a month. That’s because it stores so much moisture in its fleshy leaves. We recommend only rehydrating your plant once the soil’s completely dry.
Aloe Succulents crave lots of light, so choose the brightest spot in your home, a south-facing windowsill would be an excellent location for this plant. Just be careful in the height of Summer and move further into the room to avoid the leaves scorching.
Don’t overwater your plant, as this can cause brown spots on the leaves. Too much moisture will also cause the plants roots to rot. We suggest draining any excess water by tipping it over the sink.
If your plants leaves are shrivelled or dull in appearance, this can be a sign of underwatering.
To keep the moss fresh, we’d recommend misting the moss but not the plant to keep it nice and green. The Aloe Succulent prefers arid conditions, so it’ll do just fine without any extra humidity.
This sun-loving little guy should be kept away from dark, shady spots, as it will struggle to grow and can turn pale or white in colour.
From £8.00
This Aloe Vera houseplant really does keep on giving. It looks fab, has great healing properties and it’ll purify the air around you.
Succulents are very on-trend right now. That’s because they’re SO easy to care for and look fantastic too. They’re also one of the most popular houseplants with both plant newbies and experts alike. It’s important to look after these…
From £72.00
Create a plant shelfie with this gang of five Little Botanical succulent houseplants. They will add a gorgeous pop of greenery to your living space.
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