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18 search results
Green Inspiration, Seasonal Plants
If you’re loving the idea of giving your home a little autumnal makeover, read on for small and big...
Plant Care and Guides, Seasonal Plants
Attention plant people; autumn incoming. As the nights are drawing in, the temperatures are turning decidedly cool and there...
Green Inspiration, Trending Houseplants
Discover how incorporating indoor plants can significantly alleviate stress and enhance your overall well-being.
Green Inspiration, Trending Houseplants
As September comes into view, many of us are preparing for change and a plant makeover might be just...
This week we’re bringing you our top tips and tricks to look after your indoor plants when you go...
Seasonal Plants, Trending Houseplants
The spookiest time of the year is just around the corner and we can’t wait! Whether you’re planning a...
Here at The Little Botanical we are very mindful of our impact on the planet, we want to be...
As you’ve probably noticed, here at TLB we’re very fond of going green in any space, whether large or...
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